CMP101: Computer Hardware Architecture and Operating Systems

Module Description: "Introduction to the core ideas of computer architecture. Build a mental model of the functioning of a typical computer system that can be used to reason about system (hardware/software) behaviour - and be extended in later modules."


  • 50% - I was given a Wemos board and was required to build something using the components provided. I built a reminder system.
  • 50% - An exam.

Coursework: Available here.

Grade Achieved: A

CMP104: Programming with C++

Module Description: "Fundamental programming constructs within the C++ language. Learn using a problem based approach to develop skills fundamental to all object oriented programming languages."

Assessment: Programming a "cyber pet", a virtual pet similar to a Tamagotchi.

Coursework: Available here.

Grade Achieved: A+

CMP102: Software Design

Module Description: "This module complements earlier programming modules by introducing - in a practical rather than theoretical way - some of the fundamental ideas of software engineering to develop and communicate designs for small and large-scale software systems."


    Unit 1 (50%):
  • 50% - Quizzes
  • 30% - Coding Exercies
  • 20% - Design Exercises
    Unit 2 (50%):
  • I had to program a simulation of a game of darts.

Coursework: Available here.

Grade Achieved: A

CMP109: Computer Networking 1

Module Description: "Introduction to Computer Networks through an analysis of basic networking fundamentals."


  • 50% - Portfolio Work
  • 50% - An exam.

Grade Achieved: A+

CMP110: Introduction to Security

Module Description: "The module introduces students to computer security, systems deployment, and software debugging. Within a wider context, it encourages students to consider and considers the legal frameworks."


  • 25% - Group Presentation
  • 75% - A project of your choosing and a report.

This module was revamped and no longer exists in the same form, so as such the coursework is unavailable.

Grade Achieved: A+